Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Travel Trailers Houston How Much Wind Can A 27 Ft Travel Trailer Take?

How much wind can a 27 ft travel trailer take? - travel trailers houston

Ike seems to be right on us (Houston, TX) run. I always thought they go about 63 miles northwest of Lake Somerville (near Brenham), where our camper and sleep until it happens, but how much wind in the region if we Brenham you get a Category 3 or 4 hurricane in - this area and how long it takes the wind to stay on a trailer 27 'to?


Sturm Vogel said...

Depends on the condition of the caravan, but it is likely that the trailer would get a beating. I would advise you to move to a safe area if Ike actually its way to you.

If you keep Ike on the following link:

http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at4.sht ...

nevermor... said...

1) The weakest part of a hurricane is the southwest quadrant. So it is always best to evacuate in this direction.

2) Ike's path is not static. Wait until it is approved for Cuba, before leaving the decision.

3) mobile homes and trailers are extremely sensitive to the inclination of the strong winds. Anything over 50 mph and you into trouble.

nevermor... said...

1) The weakest part of a hurricane is the southwest quadrant. So it is always best to evacuate in this direction.

2) Ike's path is not static. Wait until it is approved for Cuba, before leaving the decision.

3) mobile homes and trailers are extremely sensitive to the inclination of the strong winds. Anything over 50 mph and you into trouble.

♥Love♥ said...

I do not dare. In this area, always get TS winds of at least preferred farther inland. You also get the mind in a tornado watch all day and night.

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