The Departed - What is the quote on the card seen at the funeral? - quotes to use at a funeral
William Costigan read the card to the funeral. It is signed by Frank Costello ... and he mentions something something to celebrate ...
The Departed - What is the quote on the card seen at the funeral? - quotes to use at a funeral
William Costigan read the card to the funeral. It is signed by Frank Costello ... and he mentions something something to celebrate ...
"Here lies the Faithful Departed"
Reference to the departure of his mother in the world after his death ....
Thus, in the Martin Scorsese gangster film unique and have given birth to the boundary between the writer is at all.
It's very interesting that you raised this point becas an observer of the film are armor should have at least 3 to 4 times to see the film to reflect that training. In the letter: "The sky is the believers'
which basically means that their faith in his own life, tells us how God will judge you if they, the gates of heaven. You can play in life as a good Christian and a man of good deeds, but at the end of life can see the sky is actually happening. Those who know they do not reveal the sky.
expected to have committed in purgatory and pay for all sins? or will be, the sky andPerson who did nothing other than the love of neighbor.
above is what we do.
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